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Acereare Electric wishes customers and all employees 5.1 happy


Acereare Electric wishes customers and all employees 5.1 happy


Every drop of sweat reflects the sun's rays,
Every effort will light up the sky of dreams.
Dream as a plow, never tired of it
Dream is the horse, and labor is the rein
Sweat can replace tears, tears are just tears
There is no smooth road in life, and every step must be cut through obstacles
Dig deeply into the little things, and the little things will reveal the true chapter
Make extraordinary out of ordinary
For the struggle of you, leave a light to return late.
Respect every career, but also thank every stick.
Every mundane post
There is an extraordinary you,
Time is quiet, because of you
Spring flowers, thank you
May you have the benefit of labor, the beginning of the heart,
On the occasion of the "May 1st International Labor Day"
Rui Rui Electric
Salute each of the most beautiful workers!
Our working people have worked through countless sweat,
An indomitable spirit,
When harvest time comes,
Get better results
They are struggling, pursuing their dreams and realizing their dreams

The most "beautiful" scenery is not in the distance, in your heart
The most "beautiful" people are not in the circle of friends, but around us.

Thanks to all the staff of Acereare Electric for their hard work!!